Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited Unlisted Shares

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aricent technologies unlisted shares

 Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares Details

NameAricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited Unlisted Shares
Face Value₹ 10
ISIN CodeINE272I01010
Available in DepositoryCDSL & NSDL
Lot Size100 Shares
Aricent Technologies Unlisted Share PriceMerged with Capgemini Technology Services India
*Rates and lot size mentioned above for Aricent Technologies unlisted Shares are indicative and subject-to change. Kindly check the latest rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted Shares with us.

 About Company:

Capgemini SE acquired Altran Technologies S.A.S (formerly known as Altran Technologies S.A) (the former Ultimate Parent company of the Company) at a global level in the first half of the calendar year 2020.

Pursuant to the said acquisition, all the Altran group companies, including Aricent Technologies are now a part of the Capgemini group. Aricent Technologies is now a step-down subsidiary of Capgemini SE, a listed entity formed and registered under the laws of France.

Through the cutting-edge innovations, they design, develop and deliver tomorrow’s smart products, create new customer experiences and provide high value in clients’ digital transformation journey.

The acquisition of Aricent Technologies in 2018 by the Altran group and the subsequent acquisition of Altran group, including the Aricent Technologies, enabled Capgemini to strengthen its competencies and solutions in digital, based on intellectual property developed by Aricent Technologies, extended over time and benefiting from a strategic positioning on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cognitive systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). The Company offers end to end capabilities right from design to software and hardware product development and testing to product support services offering Deployment and TAC services.

Following the acquisition of Altran group, Capgemini now ranks as the undisputed world leader in Engineering and R&D services (“ER&D”), with a portfolio of high-profile clients, extensive sector expertise and in-depth understanding of industrial business processes and operational technologies. Unifying the global capabilities in Engineering R&D and harnessing the power of data, connectivity and software to pioneer the Intelligent Industry, Altran & Capgemini Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Services join forces to become Capgemini Engineering, bringing the best of both worlds together.

Board of Directors:
Mr. Krishna Chandra ReddyManaging Director
Mr. Ashwani LalWhole Time Director
Mr. Sujit SircarDirector
Mr. Jean-Philippe BOLDirector
Mr. William ROZEDirector
Ms. Shweta BhartiIndependent Director
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar HandaIndependent Director

 Aricent Technologies Financials

ParticularsFY 2020-21FY 2019-20
Revenue from operations25,46624,666
Total Income26,10025,469
Total Expenses23,23121,982
Profit before tax28693487
Profit for the year19607027
Basic EPS (In INR)1554

 Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares Price Chart

*Rates mentioned in the chart are indicative.

 Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares Trend


Trend Identifier

Extremely Bullish
Extremely Bearish

The trend indicator above has been derived from the current demand/supply of Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares. The trend has a tendency to change anytime depending on the market conditions and other events. This indicator must not be construed as any recommendation to buy/sell/hold.

 Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares Valuation (Market Capitalisation)

Total Number of Outstanding Shares: 1,31,196,104 (As per Annual Report FY 20-21)

Market Cap Scenarios:

At 600 Rs/Share, Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 7,871 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted shares.

At 625 Rs/Share, Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 8,199 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted shares.

At 650 Rs/Share, Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 8,527 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted shares.

At 675 Rs/Share, Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 8,855 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted shares.

At 700 Rs/Share, Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 9,183 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted shares.

At 725 Rs/Share, Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 9,511 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Aricent Technologies unlisted shares.

 Aricent Technologies Shareholding

Source: Annual Report FY 2020-21

 Aricent Technologies Annual Reports

 Aricent Technologies News

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 FAQ for Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares

How to buy Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares?

Process of Buying Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares

  1. Get connected with us and inquire for the Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares
  2. We will quote the current prevailing market rates of the Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares (Subject to availability)
  3. If you agree on the rate and quantity, we will send our bank details. (Please note, we accept payment only through bank)
  4. Buyer transfers the fund in our bank account and buyer also need to send their demat details (for initiating share transfer process)
  5. Post receiving funds and demat details, we initiate transfer of Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares. The shares usually gets transferred on same/next working day in your demat account
  6. For detailed buying process, refer here

What is the minimum lot size for buying Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares?

The minimum lot size for investing in Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares is 100 Shares

What is the lock-in period for Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares?

The Lock-in period for Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited Unlisted Shares will be Six Months in case of an IPO. The Lock-in period starts from the date of IPO allotment. (According to SEBI Regulations)

Is buying Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares Legal?

Yes, buying Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares is completely legal.

How to check price of Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares?

You can regularly check the updated price of Aricent Technologies Unlisted Shares at our Website and on our Telegram Channel

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