Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares

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polymatech electronics unlisted shares

Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares Price
₹ 67 Per Equity Share
Sector: Semiconductor
Lot Size: 100 shares
Note: Stock prices are subject to change and may not reflect real-time values.

 Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares Details

NamePolymatech Electronics Limited Unlisted Shares
Alias NamePolymatech Unlisted Shares
Security TypePre-IPO/Unlisted Equity Shares
Face Value₹ 2
Available in DepositoryCDSL & NSDL
Polymatech Unlisted Share Price₹ 67 Per Equity Share
Lot Size500 Shares
Minimum Investment₹ 50900-51500
All Time High ₹ 197
All Time Low₹ 50
Highlights- Indian Semiconductor player
*Rates and lot size mentioned above for Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares are indicative and subject-to change. Kindly check the latest rates of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares with us.

 About Company:

According to company’s website:

Established in 2007, Polymatech stands as India’s pioneer in semiconductor chip manufacturing. Operating under the name Polymatech Electronics, the company fosters a thriving ecosystem for clients through the unparalleled industrial processes rooted in Japanese technologies. The array of Polymatech products can be spotted in domains where microelectronics actively contribute to enhancing lives.

Facility 1: Situated in Oragadam, Sriperumbudur, which happens to be the largest automobile hub in South Asia and one of Chennai’s rapidly expanding suburbs, this location is gradually shaping into a diverse industrial zone.

Facility 2: On the horizon, a facility is emerging at the foothills of Krishnadevaraya Hills in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu. Positioned 250 km away from Chennai and 90 km from Bengaluru.

Products of Polymatech Electronics:

  • Micro Controllers
  • Wireless Chips
  • Logic Chips
  • Memory Chips
  • LED Chips

Polymatech Electronics, a trailblazing name in the industry, proudly stands as India’s premier opto- semiconductor chip manufacturer (source: Polymatech Electronics IPO DRHP). Their journey commenced in 2019, leveraging cutting-edge European and Japanese technologies to deliver top-quality products that meet international standards. Polymatech Electronics’ offerings find their application in domains where the science of light waves, known as photonics, plays a pivotal role.

Polymatech Electronics Product Portfolio:

As per Polymatech Electronics IPO Draft Red Herring Prospectus, their product range is categorized into two segments:

  1. Opto-Semiconductor Chips: This category encompasses a range of fully packaged opto-semiconductor chips available in various forms, including COB, HTCC, MLCC, LTCC, and more.
  2. Luminaries: Their second category consists of luminaries designed to illuminate and enhance various spaces.

Polymatech Electronics State-of-the-Art Facilities:

Situated in Tamil Nadu at the SIPCOT Hi-Tech SEZ (Special Economic Zone) in Oragadam, Sriperumbudur, Kancheepuram, their state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is a testament to their commitment to quality and innovation. Additionally, they have recently acquired a Built-to-Suit (BTS) facility in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, signaling their expansion and growth prospects.

End-to-End Expertise:

Polymatech Electronics are involved in the entire value chain, from designing and fabricating to manufacturing, packaging, and assembly of opto-semiconductor chips. These chips are not only supplied directly to their customers but are also integral to the assembly of their luminaries.

Polymatech Electronics Diverse Clientele:

Polymatech Electronics clientele encompasses multinational corporations, including Fortune 1000 companies. Their luminaries grace the premises of various prominent establishments, including:

  • Factories such as Shin-Etsu in Japan, Vishay Precision Group, Stanley, Lohman, Okaya in Japan, AMRL Hitech City (a joint venture with Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited), ASPEN Infra (formerly Suzlon Infrastructure Ltd), and Mori Mura in Japan.
  • Airports like Coimbatore Airport of Everrise Electric.
  • Stadiums, exemplified by the Sawai Mansingh Stadium.
  • Religious places, including the Banglasaheb Gurudwara in New Delhi and the Parthasarathi Temple in Chennai.

Polymatech Electronics Key Performance Indicators:

Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares - Financial Highlights FY 2023-24Source: Polymatech Electronics Annual Report FY 2023-24

  • During FY2023-24, Polymatech Electronics reported a total income of ₹123,762.85 lakhs, compared to ₹64,966.49 lakhs in the previous year. The company’s Profit Before Tax (PBT) for the year was ₹26,996.84 lakhs, up from ₹16,677.66 lakhs in the previous year.

Technology Absorption at Polymatech Electronics:

Polymatech Electronics continues technology absorption through its ongoing focus on Research and Development (R&D) in product innovation. The company’s efforts have resulted in products that are recognized by the Government of India as import substitutes, helping maintain its competitive position in the industry. Polymatech is committed to constantly focusing to develop alternative raw materials to provide environmentally safe and affordable to all customers while reinforcing its reputation as a high-tech company.

New Product Development Program (R&D)

Polymatech Electronics aims to become a fully integrated semiconductor company, with plans to produce products ranging from Sapphire and Silicon Carbide to Silicon. The company is working with global institutions to jointly develop products.

Continuing Research and Development, Polymatech has developed and are developing the following in 2023-24:

  • Sapphire Ingots – Process fully developed and released for productionisation
  • Sapphire Wafers – Process fully developed and released for productionisation
  • Image Sensing LEDs for Medical Electronics – Process fully developed and released for productionisation.
  • Rx Tx Components – Generation 5 – Process fully developed and released for productionisation.
  • Rx Tx Components – Generation 6 – Under development.
  • Silicon and Silicon Carbide – Under development.
  • FET / MOSFET / SCR / Chips – Under development.
  • Memory Devices – Under development.
  • Integrated Circuits Chips – Study started.
  • Quantum Computer – Study started.
  • CMOS Sensors – Study started.

R&D Infrastructure Investment

Polymatech Electronics has invested in machinery and metals to support ongoing product development. These include:

  • Ingot Growing Furnace
  • Ingot Cutting, Grinding, and Polishing Tools
  • Testing Equipment
  • Sputtering Tool
  • Etching Tool

Investment in R&D:

  • Machines: ₹80,45,000 (Eighty Crores Forty-Five Lakhs)
  • Material: ₹146,15,06,000 (One Hundred Forty-Six Crores Fifteen Lakhs Six Thousand)

Source: Polymatech Electronics Annual Report FY2023-24

Polymatech Electronics Manufacturing Facility:

Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares - Manufacturing PlantPolymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares Price - Manufacturing PlantSource: Polymatech Electronics IPO DRHP

Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares – Key Financial Ratio Graphs

 Polymatech Electronics Financials

Financials in Lakhs unless specifically mentioned
ParticularsFY 2023-24FY 2022-23FY 2021-22FY 2020-21
Revenue from operations1,22,067.1064,902.0012,587.314,501.37
Other income1,695.75260.29220.37217.21
Total income1,23,762.8565,162.2912,807.684,718.58
Cost of materials consumed78,022.6945,063.739,824.023,389.91
Change in inventories of finished goods and work-in-progress(7,899.66)(594.59)(1,598.14)(129.12)
Employee benefits expense2,704.01126.6378.2359.78
Finance costs13.15530.35385.75228.40
Depreciation and amortisation expenses5,016.621,606.98317.90302.68
Other expenses18,909.201,764.68296.00142.07
Total expenses (II)96,766.0148,497.789,303.763,993.72
Profit before exceptional items and tax26,996.8416,664.513,503.92724.86
Exceptional items (net)----
Profit before tax26,996.8416,664.513,503.92724.86
Tax expense
(a) Current tax2,987.63---
(b ) Deferred tax(112.11)77.1196.03
Total tax expense(112.11)77.1196.03
Profit for the year24,009.2116,776.623,426.81628.83
Earnings per equity share (EPS)31.4123.205.400.99
Face value per share (in Rs)10.0010.0010.0010.00

 Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares Price Chart

*Rates mentioned in the chart are indicative.

 Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares Trend


Trend Identifier

Extremely Bullish
Extremely Bearish

The trend indicator above has been derived from the current demand/supply of Polymatech Unlisted Shares. The trend has a tendency to change anytime depending on the market conditions and other events. This indicator must not be construed as any recommendation to buy/sell/hold.

 Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares – Valuation (Market Capitalisation)

Total Number of Outstanding Shares: 7,96,87,775 (As per Polymatech Electronics Annual Report FY 2023-24)

Market Cap Scenarios:

At 700 Rs/Share, Polymatech Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 5,578 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares.

At 800 Rs/Share, Polymatech Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 6,375 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares.

At 900 Rs/Share, Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares values the company at approx. Rs. 7,171 crores.

This are just pre-defined scenarios, since the market cap is variable to price, you can calculate the latest market cap based on the ongoing rates of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares.

 Polymatech Electronics Key Shareholding

Source: Polymatech Electronics Annual Report FY 2023-24

 Polymatech Electronics Peers

No peers found for Polymatech Electronics

 Polymatech Electronics Corporate Actions


Polymatech Electronics Dividend:

  • FY2023-24:
    No Dividend recommended for the financial year 31-03-2024


No information found for Polymatech Electronics Rights Issue


No information found for Polymatech Electronics Buyback


The Board of Directors of Polymatech Electronics, in its meeting on November 5, 2024, considered and approved to subdivide the company’s existing equity shares. Each fully paid-up share with a face value of Rs. 10 will be split into 5 new shares with a face value of Rs. 2 each. The Record Date for the share subdivision will be set by the Board (or any Committee authorized by the Board) after obtaining approval from the shareholders for the proposed share split.

 Unlisted Arena Review: Polymatech Unlisted Shares

  • to be updated

Disclaimer: Please note that the above review is about the Polymatech Unlisted Shares trading in the unlisted space and not about the company itself. The views are purely personal and must not be construed as any recommendation/advice to buy/sell/hold. The figures and calculations are presented in good faith and we are not liable for any errors in the same. Kindly do your due diligence before investing.

 Polymatech Electronics Annual Report

 Polymatech Electronics News

Buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares

 FAQ for Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares

How to buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

Process of Buying Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares

  • Get connected with us and inquire for the Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares
  • We will quote the current prevailing market rates of the Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares (Subject to availability)
  • If you agree on the rate and quantity, we will send our bank details. (Please note, we accept payment only through bank)
  • Buyer transfers the fund in our bank account and buyer also need to send their demat details (for initiating share transfer process)
  • Post receiving funds and demat details, we initiate transfer of Polymatech Electronics unlisted shares. The shares usually gets transferred on same/next working day in your demat account

For detailed buying process, refer here

What is the minimum lot size for buying Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

The minimum lot size for investing in Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares is 100 Shares

What is the lock-in period for Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

The Lock-in period for Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares will be Six Months. The Lock-in period starts from the date of IPO allotment.

What happens after the lock-in period gets completed?

As per the SEBI guidelines, lock-in period for Pre IPO shares is six months. The lock-in period starts from the date of allotment of IPO. During the lock-in period, the shares remain in your account but are marked as locked. After six months, the shares automatically gets unlocked and one can sell it normally on stock exchanges like any other listed shares

Is buying Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares Legal?

Yes, buying Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares is completely legal

How to check price of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

You can regularly check the updated price of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares at our Website and on our Telegram Channel

Where to buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

At Unlisted Arena, you can buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares and many such Pre IPO Shares easily at most reasonable rates with a hassle-free process. Unlisted Arena is India’s leading dealer in Unlisted & Pre IPO Shares

How to sell Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

You can sell Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares:

Before IPO: You can sell Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares before IPO too. You need to have a buyer for this shares. We can also help you to liquidate your holdings of unlisted shares.

After IPO: Once the lock-in period is complete, you can sell the shares on stock exchanges(NSE/BSE) just like any other listed shares.

How to transfer Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

There are two methods to transfer Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares
Method 1 – Offline Transfer

In this method, you must have a Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) book which is provided by your broker. All the demat broking companies have its own DIS book. Along with DIS, there is an annexure which is to be submitted by the seller. Annexure too is provided by the demat broking company. After filing DIS and annexure, duly signed by the seller, they are to be handed over to your respective broker. Post that, your broker will process the request and transfer the shares as per details provided

Method 2 – Online Transfer

One can also transfer shares online through E-DIS/Off Market share transfer. The client must check with their respective brokers if they provide such facility. One can also transfer shares through CDSL easiest (for CDSL Demat) and NSDL Speed-E (For NSDL Demat) after registering into it.

Are Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares in demat form?

Yes, Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares are in demat form just like listed shares. You can buy and store them in your demat account. Like listed shares, Unlisted Shares also have their ISIN code so that you can verify the authenticity of shares.

Where will be Polymatech Electronics shares be reflected?

Once the process is complete, Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares will reflect in your demat account. The shares usually gets reflected in your Depository holdings (DP Holdings). You can check it in your stock brokers app/website. The shares are also shown on your DP transactions and holding statement.

You can also check your holdings in the following:

If you have CDSL Demat Account – CDSL Myeasi app

If you have NSDL Demat Account – NSDL Speed-E

Many investors do ask ‘How to buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares in Zerodha, Angel One, Upstox, etc?’
You can buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares in any demat account with any broking company

How much time will it take to get Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares credited in my demat account?

When it comes to delivery of unlisted shares- Be assured as Unlisted Arena is the fastest in delivering shares. Once the process is completed, we usually deliver the shares on same day or the next working day. i.e T day or (T+1) working day.

How much STCG tax is applicable on Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares/Pre IPO Shares?

Short Term Capital Gains Tax: If unlisted shares are sold in 24 months or less, gains from such sale are taxed at the slab rate.

How much LTCG tax is applicable on Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares/Pre IPO Shares?

Long Term Capital Gains Tax: If unlisted shares are sold after holding for more than 24 months, gains on such sale will be taxed at 20% after indexation.

What will be the tax applicability if Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares gets listed?

Tax on Capital Gains on Unlisted Shares that are sold after getting listed: The tax rates will be the same as that on purchase and sale of listed shares.
That is, the long-term gains (shares sold after holding for more than one year) will be taxed at 10% after a threshold of ₹ 1 lakh per financial year.
Short-term gains (gains on selling shares in one year or less) will be taxed at 15%

Where can I find Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares price graph?

You can check the historical price trend by checking Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares price graph here. Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares price chart will help you get an idea about price-action. You can also check the current trend of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares here

How to check valuations of Polymatech Electronics Pre IPO Shares?

For listed shares, there are numerous applications and website which shows the market capitalization of shares. But no need to worry, we have included market capitalization scenarios on our website which shows market cap/valuations of the company based on prevailing Unlisted Shares rates. In addition, we have also mentioned total number of shares so that you can easily calculate current market cap quickly without putting much efforts. Click here to see the valuations of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares
Quick tip: Market Cap= Total Outstanding shares x Price per share

How to check latest news and developments related to Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

You can easily check latest developments, news related to Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares on our website without any sign up or login. Click here to know about latest news and happenings

Why trust Unlisted Arena for buying Unlisted Shares and Pre IPO Shares?

Unlisted Arena is a prominent name which facilitates Unlisted Shares & Pre IPO Shares safely and securely. All the transactions are done through bank accounts where no third parties are involved. Unlisted Arena always quotes transparent rates and is also known for its fastest delivery of Unlisted Shares and Pre IPO Shares. Unlisted Arena gets featured regularly in India’s top most financial publications. You can check media coverage of Unlisted Arena here

Is Polymatech Electronics a Pre IPO, Unlisted or Delisted share?

Polymatech Electronics is an unlisted company.

Can NRIs buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

Yes, NRIs can also buy and sell Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares just like domestic investors. But their investment is on a non-repatriable basis

How is market price of Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares determined?

Like any listed shares, Unlisted Shares price is also determined by demand-supply of Unlisted Shares. Higher the demand, higher the price and vice-versa. The rates of Unlisted Shares are also derived from its performance, corporate actions such as declaration of results, bonus, dividend, etc. Another important aspect is share price/valuation of its listed peer. If the listed business is identical, unlisted companies share price/valuation will too be in similar fashion

What are the brokerage/charges for buying/selling Unlisted Shares/Pre IPO Shares?

At Unlisted Arena, we charge Zero Brokerage/Charges. The rates quoted by us are- net rates, i.e., you do not need to pay any brokerage or charges

How to buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares in Zerodha/Angel broking/HDFC Securities/Upstox/ICICI Securities or any other demat account?

One can buy Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares in any demat account – no matter with which broker you have a demat account. There is no need for separate/special demat account for buying Unlisted Shares.

From where does Unlisted Arena source Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares?

Unlisted Arena sources Polymatech Electronics Unlisted Shares from existing investors looking to liquidate their investment

Will I get dividend, bonus on Unlisted Shares?

Yes, you are eligible to get dividend, bonus and/or any other corporate actions declared by the company. You need to hold the Unlisted Shares in your demat account on the record date declared by the company to be eligible for such corporate actions

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